I love you Nana, but you drive me nuts.

Been to Liverpool today. I'm not saying too much about it, because in many ways it was extraordinarily stressful. But I now remember why
a) I don't go on buses
b) Why I don't take Nana out for the day ANYWHERE
c) Why I have to pay REALLY CAREFUL ATTENTION to the conversation with Nana otherwise I get stitched up like a kipper.

(Mum and Val - you'll like the fact that Nana has already arranged for me to drive over to her house to pick her up on Sunday to then take her to Rose and Daves "its not that far out of the way is it love?" (in my head ...no Nana its only 50 f***ing miles) and "you don't mind do you?" (in my head "yes I do - it would be nice to ask before you just go ahead and make arrangements") - this is because she doesn't want to go down on Friday, and doesn't think its fair for Dave to drive over to get her. If she'd just ASKED first, I wouldn't be upset - I'd have said no bother at all. But I don't think she realises how bloody rude she can be. My tongue is sore from biting it today!)

However, whilst walking through the gardens at the back of St George's hall, I spotted a few likely candidates for some photos. I'm not sure if this girl DID clock me - she was looking our way before I lifted the camera, but the close crop leads me to think that she had a suspicion. Her hair was fabulously pink as well...which is why I took the photo. The expression on her face and her body language mirrors how I think I might have looked for a significant part of my day!

Managed some moon shots tonight, but only one that I was happy with.

Other shots from today:

The pigeon tormentor

Something fishy

Street photos

Now I am going to have a big glass of Three Barrels brandy, and toast my grandad, who I have come to realise was long suffering in many respects. I love you Nan, but you drive me nuts.

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