The Reward

Today I finally had my first AstraZenica vaccination, but no date given for my follow up one which does not bode particularly well, but still, musn’t complain, my glass is definitely more than half full.

The whole operation took 42 mins and that included a 19 minute walk each way to the doctor’s surgery. I was ushered in one door got the jab and out a side door in 4 minutes. It was all so slick and what a difference the injection felt from my flu one at the local pharmacy in October. I hardly felt the Covid scratch today, whereas the flu jabber person might well have been trained as a large animal vet in the Eastern Bloc so robustly did she plunge the needle into my arm. Of course the thought that goes through my mind when you hardly feel anything is, did anything happen or was it just a con to keep me happy?

I got home at 9am and feeling I needed a reward for being such a brave soldier, out came the little box of M&S Christmas cake from Son# 1 which I have managed to keep all this time. Now it’s been opened, it won’t last long.

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