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Jill noticed this yesterday when we drove by it, so I ran out to make it today's photo while I was out picking up Korean food.

I had a $10 bill in my back pocket for a tip for the restaurant but somehow lost it. I imagine it was when I took my phone out. I forgot about it until I was driving home and couldn't find it when I looked. Of course that upset me greatly because I am a nightmare of a person these last few months.

I think it's the pandemic. Or maybe it's just me. I can't handle stress and problems. I want to see more people and visit more places. My job is stressful and stagnant, I have nothing going on in my boring life, and I can't handle being indoors all the time. I don't know what to do. All I do is get angry and yell over the dumbest things, like losing Jill's $10 tip. It's an everyday occurrence for me now. I've lost my mind.

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