
By Groggster

Homemade Paparazzi

Today's image was inspired by, of all things, an image in an obituary of the actress Cloris Leachmann (who has just died aged 94) in the Guardian newspaper. She was an Oscar-winning star (for the Last Picture Show) who relished the roles of grandmas and grotesques. The picture in the Guardian was an image of her in a aggressive pose leaning out of a car window in a 1975 Jonathan Demme film called Crazy Mama (which I must admit I have never seen). 
I loved the image of the car and the aggressive pose and then realised I could combine this with more of a photographic theme.  Therefore, I enlisted my brother again as a model (in the pouring rain with the car window open - which he was not too happy about!) to create this image.
The origins of the word paparazzi are disputed - but one version relates to the 1960 Federico Fellini film La Dolce Vita, where there is a news photographer character called Paparazzo (played by Walter Santesso).
Fellini said an interview that he took the name from an Italian dialect word describing a particularly annoying noise, that of a buzzing mosquito.

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