Day 300 Day 25


Firstly thank you all the all the hearts and stars and putting my 6 year blip on page 1 on the populars.  Blip is such a friendly and supportive site.  Thanks to all the people that work  behind the scene without whom we would not have our wonderful world.
This morning was quite quiet and  we downloaded one of our videos from years gone by on the recorders hard drive and hopefully we shall be able to edit from there – to be looked at – watch this space.
In memory of Admirer I have done another Silly Saturday this one is called
Roadrunner as bored – he as a long way from home and Wily Coyote was not around.
Then he spied the bunnies who were also bored after their excitement yesterday
HI Guys do you fancy a race?  The bunnies thought about it and decided that as bunnies they were good hoppers
You’re on they said.
Roadrunner replied – OK come on then  and you can decide when to go.
On the count of three the bunnies hopped off.  Road runner decided to give them a few minutes start to make it more fun. 
He is not chasing us Bobby said – we will easily win now.
But Bobby spoke to soon and all at once they  all fell down and couldn’t see Roadrunner for dust.
OK bunnies you have learned it is best not to underestimate your opposition.
Quite a wet and dull day again

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