0804 to Leeds


Ladies and Gents, this is it, the FINAL image of my 365 project!

365 photos taken consecutively since 29th Feb 2012 - tomorrow will be 366 only as it was a leap day when I started :)

As with the majority of my 365 pics, the idea for using a clapper board to 'bow out' just came to me...or it's more likely that it's a subconscious amalgamation of a picture I've seen in passing. And of course for a film buff, the clapper board is a great prop to use and have.

As you will appreciate, spending a better part of a day (in some cases) taking a picture, editing and uploading, has been hugely enjoyable but also had it's fair share of pressure. Especially as I can be somewhat of a perfectionist and I wanted every single photo to be worth sharing, something I was proud of, and worth looking back at.

The goal was always to do 365 - push the limits in terms of personal photography, try out new techniques, better oneself in the art and above all, have fun! I achieved all those things, and more, so I'm immensely proud of this achievement.

If I'm honest, the last month or so has been motivationally difficult, which is why this will be it for this project. However, I have a lot of ideas for the future, and have already set some wheels in motion to carry out some other projects so, as a great man once said: "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning"


Thank You, Xie Xie, Namaste


Our Daily Challenge (ODC): Black & White
113 Pictures in 2013: #113 Future

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