Icicles eye view

Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to Flusco I go ... with, you guessed it, more stuff. I went prepared for the queuing and had a thermos of coffee and listened to the radio wondering if I could do the RSPB birdwatch from my car. Interestingly I was asked if my visit was ‘essential’.
Depressing news about the planned coal mine out west.

Then I headed home and found an empty place to walk on my way back. It’s lovely when all the usually boggy ground is frozen over.

This evening after doing all the van paperwork I decided to make a treat and cooked the recipe I’d seen on ceridwen’s blip together with a potato tower and bed of kale from the same site ... very nice (extra) https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2801057375291704681

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