Mostly pigeons

The title relates to the RSPB annual bird watch which I did today. It was terribly tempting to cheat and include the woodpecker which of course did not appear during the allocated hour. In fact it was all rather disappointing and my tally included 7 wood pigeons, a robin, a blackbird, 2 blue tits and a sparrow. Winterwatch has given me a new respect for pigeons, and also brown rats. The rat situation is the main reason why there are so few birds around. I am inclined to engage the factor in questioning the wisdom of spending quite a chunk of money to ensure these rodents are eradicated from the grounds. There is already a bit of a mild stushie about this – a couple of neighbours who are mostly housebound are continuing to use bird feeders in defiance of the guidance not to. My opinion on the matter has moved from agnostic to supportive. I feel a cause might be energising, and the odd bit of respectful disagreement stimulating.

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