Looking to the future

I'm feeling that I've really pushed myself and achieved something good on a personal level today and I wasn't sure I would manage it as I had a few other important goals to focus upon. I'm relaxing in front of the TV for a bit and thinking about a simple dinner to cook myself tonight. I have to do a bit of tidying, sorting, form filling and study tonight but I'm relaxing first!

I dug out my Victorian Romantic Tarot- I just love the illustrations in this pack of cards. My Mum suggested when studies are complete I design my own deck and Mr H has also suggested I give this a go too independent of my Mum so that must be a good sign???

So today I'm looking at what to focus on next (there isn't a card that specifically showing someone studying and editing a document as such but if there was I am sure it would be there!) 3 of wands advises working with others and developing ideas in an active way, mindful of looking at the bigger picture rather than the fine details...exploration and leadership. 2 of wands is about the need to get cracking and put energy into a project! It also means working with others to achieve common goals, being bold and original. Lovers reversed can mean the need to take care of relationships and try to create harmony.... it can signal a falling out - eeekkkkk no time for that business .... taken with a pinch of salt and all that. Lovely drawings though aren't they? :-)

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