Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Yesterday I was thinking about what book Luke Skywalker makes himself a new lightsaber, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Yes, I'm a Star Wars fan... a huge one, and really disappointed with the sequels... Really, really disappointed... 
Anyway, I have this book 'Star Wars The essential reader's  companion', by Pablo Hidalgo with every SW book until 2013. I found it high up on my bookshelf, managed to make several comic magazines dropp too, and a lot of dust...  I got the book, and I also found what book I was looking for, and I've been reading that one today. Sadly most of my books are now in what is called 'Legends', since the sequels, the 3 newest movies, erased almost everything happening up until the sequels... There's a rumour going about, that the sequels will somehow get remade or something like that, because most fans doesn't like that storyline. I keep my fingers crossed. With the new serie The Mandalorian, which I only seen snippets from on youtube, at least one character got redeemed in a big way and it was absolutely amazing to see! :)
Since I also managed to drag down a lot of dust, I set out to dust the bookshelves today, at least most of them and rearrange my books and comic magazines, so I don't get them on me in my sleep. They are now in the white box, and my other magazines are waiting for a box too. I do have asthma, so I thought it good to clean a bit and see if my cough would get better when I'm done. I also vacuumed my mattresses to get rid of the dust I 'spilled'. 
A bit of rest now and then I need to take care of my ham and other things. 

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