Low winter sun...
This shot was taken at 4.40pm and I was over the moon at how light it still was. The nights are definitely drawing oot! :-)))
I am delighted to report a second great night's sleep in the new bed. Seven hours this time with a couple of loo breaks. So happy! I really hope it will continue, as I said to David this morning, it's not just the length of my sleep that's improved, it's the quality. I actually feel rested. Such a novelty to wake up and not still feel tired.
THIS had me in stitches this morning. I decided to try it on David, videoing it of course. Got him set up, told him the challenge.... and he just walked towards me. Damn. I had my YouTube channel set up and everything!
Crocheted another headband today. Adult size this time as a friend of Sharon's (Faith and Anna's mum) saw them wearing theirs on FB and expressed interest. I had spare wool so better on Katrina's head than languishing in my wool bag :-)). Hers has a flower instead of a heart though (in extras :-)
J back at work tomorrow after his covid experience. Fortunately it was a mild infection and he's recovered quickly and well. We've insisted on him working reduced hours this week though as until he's here, he might not realise the toll it's taken.
Another of the team had their vaccination two days ago and apart from a tender arm has been fine. Another two getting theirs this week. Progress. Although it still dumfounds me that carers of vulnerable people get priority access to the vaccination yet parents, who are also their carers, don't. Where's the logic in that?
Right, a quick look at as many journals as I can, then time for night three in the big, comfy bed :D.
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