Hogweed full-on

The extra is another one in profile.
After pottering around the house in my pyjamas (and actually doing some ironing) I decided it was time to get dressed so it made sense to dress in running clothes and go out rather than having to change again later. It also made sense because it had snowed in the night and the total lack of breeze meant the snow was still sitting on the vegetation but would likely thaw soon (which it was doing by the time I got home).
Mr  Rat had been out earlier and reported the paths in the wood weren't icy so I headed there with my new shoes on and was able to go through the wet and muddy bits with dry feet. The hip was fine but 5k was enough.
In some places I was the only person who'd been and in others Mr Rat was the only other, something special about making new tracks in fresh snow.
This afternoon I started a new sewing project and we've also booked a week's holidy in the NW in the summer (staying where we did in 2017 & 2019) and I chatted to my mum who has finally had her 1st dose of vaccine.

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