The Office
Very busy day in the office today.
Lots of chatter around the water cooler about the new President Teddy movie coming out, but equally lots of grafting being done with complex mathematical equations being solved and Matilda spotting an error by the teacher.
She squeezed in an online assembly, which was very sweet and gave her the chance to see her friends. Concerned about how lockdown is taking its toll on m’boy though, he has become quite upset lately about not being able to see his friends, poor little guy. Moments like those are where the home-schooling takes a back seat to make way for love and reassurance. Lord knows I think we could all do with a little bit of that right now…
To try and take his mind off it, we made the most of the cold but clear weather and went out for a wander. This time I was armed with President Teddy and camera to combine with their ideas for “Out and About with President Teddy”. It was great fun again and we were all making each other giggle.
Their project is certainly a lot easier than my own as a couple of hours were lost last night trying to figure out the best way to edit my opus. I’ll get it sorted, I’m sure, it’s just going to take a little patience, which is not the strongest of my remaining virtues…..
Stay healthy.
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