Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

There is no escape ...

The Council has hired a big screen to put in the town square, which loops the scary Covid video all day (and for all I know, all night). The music is eerie, like something out of a slow burn horror movie (which for many people is a good description of lockdown), and it certainly has a sobering effect on people passing by. 

Nationally sobering today was the death of Sir / Captain Tom from coronavirus. Old soldiers do die but this one won’t fade away; he has been an iconic figure in the last year.

I do wonder about the big screen and whether it does more harm than good. All a bit Blade Runner for my taste. Maybe in twenty or thirty years there will be a video of Elon Musk inviting us to start a new life on the outer planets.. Or maybe we’ll be on Covid-49 or something and face mask technology will have evolved so much that we have to wear permanent hi-tech respirators and be microchipped to detect infections. The future may be a mixture of big brother and big bother ...

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