
It’s funny isn’t how one can become so attached to one cook book, regardless of how many shelves of books one has. This is a little Pasta cookbook from Sainsbury’s - dated 1987 and it cost 85p. It’s our go-to pasta bible. We have other Italian cookbooks, probably better than this, but with this we know what we’re doing. It’s scruffy, stained and falling apart, but we couldn’t manage without it.

Today I made a very simple pasta with salmon left over from the North Uist salmon that arrived for the weekend. As our hope of going to North Uist in April fades, it’s great that we can indulge occasionally in their smoked salmon. We ate early tonight as Gordon is watching football - Carlisle. Sadly not at Carlisle, but he did have to buy a ticket and be there at the right time, so he can pretend.

Impressive blizzards this morning, with laying snow. But the snow is gone now and we’re left with the wind.

Yesterday Sheila gave me this link

Which describes how good jigsaws are for all kinds of brain issues. Coincidently I had just been reading this
Which makes the same point. I now feel a lot better about sitting working on puzzles!

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