End of the day

A ride out this morning with A & A. Snow on the ground, blue skies and no wind, perfect!

A 2nd walk with the dogs who were delighted to find the snow still on the ground. Talisker ate it whilst Sigyn squirmed in it as soon as they jumped out of the car. 

Next up, a taxi ride for Paddy who is off for an extended working holiday with new friends. One of whom I gave a bit of a clip whilst I was there. 

I'm getting reasonably good at reversing the trailer, 3 tricky reverses in one trip! With very little error. Chuffed!

Finally... Home for a shower and dinner (stopped to take this shot on the way). A satisfying day. A phonecall with Gorgeous to catch up on eachothers day and I am ready to chill for the night. Talisker is keeping me company on the sofa, Sigyn at my feet. 

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