I'm scraping the bottle of the barrel tonight. It's minutes to midnight, I've got nothing so I'm tearing round the house looking for something to photograph. Here, for your visual entertainment, is a jar of tooth-things. Every visit to the dentist involves more feelings of guilt and inadequacy around the process and performance of gnasher cleaning, yet I've still got them all and, with the exception of an almighty gap, they look pretty good. The last visit involved my being urged to buy an aquaflosser which fires water at your teeth at upto 40mph. We'll, I'm pretty sure that's what she said but seeing it written down is making me doubt that somehow. They'd all fall out, surely? Anyway, what happened to wooden toothpicks?
Today involved many hours of work, very few steps (8,000) and a lot of rain. I think I'm in a collective consultation but I'm not sure; no-one seems to know which is reassuring.
In other news, I scored 15 and 36 on PopMaster.
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