
By Poppy

Going to the Dance!

At the moment we are in the middle of the Orkney Dance Festival! There are folk from all over Scotland and Shetland here, doing all sorts of classes during the day, and going to ceilidhs in the evenings. Not wanting to miss out on a good dance, after a day at work, we headed over to the neighbouring island of Rousay, via bus and boat, where we danced until midnight!

The band that were playing had travelled up from Newtonmore, having set off at 3am! Pretty impressive, considering they were not of them in the first flush of youth! It was a great evening, super dances, a school hall full of folk, grand tunes from a fun band plus a buffet before we started and soup when we finished!

Luckily the rain that had been falling all day stopped about tea time, and it was a lovely clear and flat calm crossing. Coming back the stars were out, and it really was the perfect end to the day.

ps The boat and the skyline really were in this relationship, even though it was a pretty calm sea!

edit: One year ago shows my mother in law, whom I miss and think of often. Since I left my husband, he has told me not to contact her, yet we got on well and she is a lovely lady. I wonder what she has been told?

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