Why this diary needs you!

I was called upon to take child #2 to see the doctor today. A few weeks ago, a couple of the children had a bad dose of something or other which went left unnoticed and untreated for long enough that the consquential treatment required was a painful experience for all involved. On our way home yesterday, #2 said she had a problem which I rather stupidly hadn't tied to the symptoms which resulted in the above nasty scenario. Long story short, childminder who we asked for her opinion on this reckoned the doctor's was required.

Therefore, how would child #2 react with a trip to the doctor's for a check up to see if she had a nasty wee thing.

'Dad, this day just gets better and better!' she said as I told her we would need to go to the pharmacist. Skiving off school with your Dad, I guess could be quite cool, depending on the Dad.

Later in the day, I was trying to assist our eldest with a WW2 project and wanted to see if my father's diaries would hold any secrets. They are up the attic so I went in search in the fading light.

Sadly the years during the second World War were not covered, but, I read some of it. I have only dipped into it before today, but I got absolutely wrapped up reading his journalistic style and some delightful end of year reviews, I guess it was written for a reason and maybe I am it. So today I read the entry for the day I was born, Mum and Dad's wedding day, a variety of birthdays and one tragic event where a cousin I never met, was found dead.

So if you are wondering what it would be like for anyone in your family to read your diary 50 years from now, that is what I am doing right now and it makes for fascinating reading. Your life through someone else's eyes.

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