My Life With Luna

By chrisA

I noticed these tiny little Crocuses by the Walnut tree this afternoon.   There used to be a host of them but I think over the years the mice have eaten the bulbs and this is all that's left.   The smallest flower is about 2cms tall so you could easily overlook them.
A trip to the Coop this morning for rice and chicken as Luna (and I) were up and outside every couple of hours overnight.   I expect it's something she has picked up and eaten, I'm so careful as she has a tendency to do this but unfortunately I can't be behind her every step of the way.   We've confined ourselves to the garden today and will see how she is in the morning.   I don't think she is suffering too much as she's been her cheeky and boisterous self.    No Puppy Day Care today and no meeting up with Hunter, her Flat Coated Retriever friend !!

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