Just the Withers......

By JaneW

This is what they are saying ...

Winnie ( ginger ) .. ‘bloody hell Sadie look at that raging torrent below us ‘
Sadie .. ‘ I’m having a quick look Win, you know I don’t care for heights and quite frankly you know full well I can’t stand swimming ‘
Winnie ‘ you are the fun police today Sadie ‘ .....

Winnie would if we let her try and swim in the river , so would Loki .. they’ve both in the summer months just jumped in ( NOT FROM THE BRIDGE ) and had a merry time , we do not encourage this when we walk down into town as there are usually lots of pleasure boats and little cruisers about and 7.4 million swans .. so it’s on the lead for that pair until we get near the park . The river was raging and churning still from the heavy rain a few days ago . There are benches STILL under 2 ft of water and lots of the path looks like infinity pools !
In the end we walked back to the Greenway and met my mate H with her dogs Malcolm and Winston .. did nearly 4 miles and no one drowned xx

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