My first snowdrop of the year

It all just gone pear shaped. Susan’s had to go back up to her mum’s at 9.00pm to await a community nurse to attend to Doreen. It could be a long wait - up to 6 hours!

Earlier we’d attended my cousin’s funeral in York via Zoom. That was not quite as smooth as expected. We joined at 11.00am as instructed. The organiser said the funeral would now take place at 11.30 and that we’d be able to join at 11.20. We joined at 11.25 to find the service in full swing. It appears the priest had got his times wrong.

We missed Pauline’s arrival at the church and the first part of the service but we were able to see and hear the eulogies delivered with poise, compassion, humour and emotion by her daughter Alannah and a friend. As we knew, one of Pauline’s vocations was a nun, not one of the restricted orders, as fags and whisky figured prominently in her nun and nurses training as well as some rich language!

In between times we managed to squeeze in a walk. On which we saw a lovely bank of snowdrops along Caring Road. My first of the year. For some reason the flowers look more washed out on the post than they did on the original photo.

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