
By Spartacus


My Business partner and I were both looking for a little friend we could love and hopefully have that love returned.
She messaged me with a picture of him and I thought he looked dreadful. (Not this picture btw)
Anyway it was a long drive, Rhonda Valley.
I was wondering whether this pooch was worth the effort and let Hazel know of my reservations.

Anyway when we got there the breeder let him out with some of his relatives. I walked over to Hazel and said I was sooooo wrong! He was the cutest the most intelligent and friendly dog I have ever come across.

I know most people think that there dog is the best but he is not mine and he is the best.

He looks like Snowy Tin Tins dog.
And if we had a pound for everyone who said that we would be among the richest Business Partners in the world.

But if I've told myself once, I've told myself a million times don't exaggerate.

I contacted the breeder recently and have put in a request for one just like him ha!

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