A Glimpse

... of the Grote Kerk in the city centre when AW and I went for a short drive to his favourite herb shop.  An unexpected trip, and he interrupted some serious research there, but I welcomed the opportunity to get out of the house for some fresh air other than from the backyard and to shoot something in town.  The day was 'druilerig' and mono-grey otherwise.  Did wonder whether to faff this up with a blue filter, but that would have worsened the mood.  Anyway, I happen to like the streetlamps at the entrance to Valkenberg Park.  When AW is at the herb shop, there is no hanging around (not allowed anyway, even on non-COVID days) so I can never leave the car for long.

A flurry of housework again at home, including supermarket errands I did after driving AW back home.  A lot of research, too, and so managed to fill my time neatly till half past midnight, shortly after which the Viking phoned to tell me that I could go to bed as the judge cancelled today's hearing again due to an extremely huge backlog.  He did get to preside over some cases today, but too many in one day would have meant rushing, and might result in mistakes.  The WhatsApp call lasted almost half an hour, though, because we discussed the state of affairs as of this moment, and although things have been delayed or postponed, everything still seems to be moving forward.  We both don't mind that.  In short, he clarified all the items we're still waiting for, and which move will depend on which item that gets attended to first.  In the end, it's all not as serious as it sounds.  Again, a matter of patience, is all.

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