Sky's the limit

I popped up the hill to James and Rich, and Todd & Stephen's and did a 'doorstep drop' of fresh orange and ginger juice & croissants. So lovely to have chats with them all. From there I went to my thin place, and, delight of delights, I saw DOLPHINS!!!! I've never seen them here before!! What an absolute joy! 2 of them playing together!
After school we divided and conquered with the kids - Danny and Nate to the park, and Asha and I foraging for asparagus. We were in a gorgeous bit of countryside (extra)...good to walk and talk together. 
This was tonight's non existent sunset - I loved the clouds though. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The challenge in thinking of new ways to keep connected to friends, not just via a screen. 
2) DOLPHINS. How amazing.
3) Lentil stew. 

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