At The Peanut Altar

Lots of squirrels today but none would hold still for very long.  At least they know where the peanuts are so I'm sure they'll be back.

Somewhere in this past week of back-blipping I apparently reached a blip milestone, my 3,000th blip.  As lax as I've been on posting, I still take a picture a day so it doesn't look as though I'm going to lose interest any time soon.  Besides, I have some very dear friends on Blip and I don't think I could do without checking in on them daily.  

My cardiologist has me scheduled for a treadmill stress test on Monday and I'm not looking forward to it.  His nurse assured me that should it push me over my limit, there will be doctors nearby who will shock me back to life should that become necessary.  I have no idea why I didn't find that a very reassuring thought.  I'll let you know how it goes, I hope. 

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