The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

The Wonderful World of Walt Disney

I was in Stirling with an hour to kill tonight and so headed up to the castle esplanade to shoot the sunset. Halfway up I realised it was in the wrong position for a decent sunset shot, so I went exploring. Just before it got completely dark I burst out of the bushes on top of Gowan Hill ... never been up here before.

Well I got some nice afterglow sunset shots over the Raploch and the Carse, but that's a stitched pano and will need some more work. This one didn't. Straight out of the camera, cropped in camera using the 16:9 mode, just had to remove a dust spot from the sky ... lovely.

I'm glad I had my torch in the bag to find my way down. Got to Camera club just in time to listen to a masterclass in creative photography from Dave Symonds - check out this guys website .. very impressive he was.

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