2231. All Manual February 5
My sister sent me this brooch for Christmas and I absolutely love it as it’s sturdy (it won’t come undone easily which is a bonus for me!) and just so unusual. I wear it a lot especially on scarves and jackets.
A really busy day considering that I didn’t go outside at all. I have been a bit worried about a health issue and finally contacted my GP this afternoon only to be told that it couldn’t wait another two weeks for an appointment (after I explained my symptoms) so I now have to phone for a face to face appointment on Monday morning at 8am. I am a natural worrier but I’m hoping this is really nothing but I am confident that I will be seen and will get to the bottom of whatever it is...
Most of the day has been spent helping my youngest with his latest assignment as he needed to bounce some ideas around. Also his flat is so cold as he cannot afford the extortionate costs of the storage radiators (one year he spent almost £800 on his winter quarter) so he isn’t using them at all, instead he is using a fan heater, which is efficient but it means only one room at a time is heated but it keeps his costs under control. So spending the day here to write his assignment was helpful as it’s nice and warm!
He finished the main question for his assignment which is worth about 60% of the marks so he went away happy having achieved what he needed to do. He had a bit of a frightening experience at work yesterday, he works in a supermarket and was just leaving at around 9pm when another member of staff on the till was threatened with a knife in an armed robbery. He saw what was going on and carefully went back into the staff area to alert the manager who called the Police but the thief got away with some money from the till. The protocol seems to be that staff threatened in this way should just hand over cash and not get into any kind of argument and risk getting hurt. He was obviously shaken by his experience as it comes not long after another one recently when a customer threatened someone he was with, with a knife inside the store. What a world we live in....
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