A polite request...
A couple of vair’kind blippers requested a picture of Winnie without one of her many many toys .
I do get lots of people stop us to talk about Winnie as she walks around with us so much and has a small gang of groupies .. I just laughed as I typed that .
Winnie will not leave the house without a ‘baby’ she also grabs one of her toys if she feels anxious .. confusingly though she will bring a visitor a toy to look at .. Winnie is our most complex rescue dog but in fairness I’d have expected much worse considering her first 3 years, her other huge comfort are the other dogs .. Sadie is the matriarch and Betty is for sleeping with whilst Loki is for play time and instigator of barking at NOTHING We have though had some tougher foster dogs who have broken our hearts and made me despise the human race a little more each time we’ve taken one in .
RIGHT enough ... upbeat ... I’m waiting for a foster cat to be allocated to us .. the window fitters have gone and everything is shipshape in the cat room !
Little Po and I walked about 7 miles today ... and I’ve listened to the soundtrack from the musical Oklahoma.
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