3 Hungarian Vizslas

Frida managed to catch up with three of her best friend dogs in Wanaka today.
Firstly we walked with Moose, Mango and their mother around and through  Sticky Forest, down to the lake and then back to Mango and Moose’s place.
The main photo is of one of the wonderful views we had. If you look closely, you will see 2 of the 3 Vs on the left. The extra is to prove we had 3 dogs on the walk!
Then we visited Pinot and her mother - super to see them both.
It is very hot again. We mowed our lawns, went for a wonderful swim and now staying at Jills brothers place for a couple of nights while our downstairs cork tiles are re-varnished. Poor Billy and George are banned from the house- but we made them a cosy spot to stay for a couple of nights!

Thank you so much for the lovely messages you left for my 1,000th blip yesterday. You are very kind- and I hope to reply to you all over the next couple of days.

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