
By Babrecila

Mother and Child

This beautiful sculpture is by Sophie Dickens, 2008, and named Mother and Child. The armatures are metal rods and the wooden layers create a dynamic feeling of bone, muscle and sinew. In 2007 she won the Founders Award for sculpture at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Such a lovely piece of work and difficult to view, as it is very high on the exterior of the John Lewis building, on the corner of Downing Street, Cambridge, and unless you knew it was there you would pass it by. I have tried to photograph it several times, but as it is in a glass case all you can usually see are reflections of buses, trees and offices. Today there was only the reflection of the building opposite, so I made do with that. Apparently it can be seen better in the dark when it is lit up, but I'm not in that area then.

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