The Lock

Brian had his Uncle Ted's funeral to attend this morning - he took his Mum, and said it went off as well as these things can during a pandemic.

I stayed at home and looked at things I could learn to do with my laptop. Always good to have more strings to your bow. Brian returned as I was wondering what to have for lunch, and brought with him a big piece of banoffee pie his sister had given him. He doesn't like banoffee pie, so problem solved! It was delicious.

I still needed a blip and after a few indoor ones in a row thought I should make the effort to get an outdoor photo today despite the weather being dull, cold and showery. Brian had shown me a video of a small animal near the lock - online debate was raging as to whether it was a mink or an otter. It looked too small to be an otter to me, but I thought I'd go there hoping to see it for myself.

It was nowhere around unfortunately - we did see some pied wagtails and a cormorant on a fishing mission, but they were too far away for me to get a shot of. Hence I have a blip of the lock, currently open due to the high water levels!

Glad to be in for the night now as the weather is grim!

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