Mango surprise
Ottawacker Jr.'s godfather, the inimitable Mitch, came up with a fantastic idea for his birthday present this year. He enrolled Ottawacker Jr. in the Fruit of the Month club. It is, admittedly, a name which raises the odd eyebrow, but whatever. One hands over some moral responsibility of ones child to the godparents in the hopes that they bring a certain amount of wisdom to the maelstrom.
Anyway, towards the end of last month, the big box of fruit arrived, containing blood oranges and a couple of big mangoes. These we left to ripen in the sun in the kitchen and, this very Saturday morning, Mrs. Ottawackers sliced and diced. Ottawacker Jr. was willing to share and so I was able to have a couple of pieces of the delicious fruit.
Big mistake. I am, it transpires, allergic to mango. Fortunately, having a severe allergy to tree nuts, I know the symptoms and have stuff to hand. So I popped a couple of Benadryl and am currently feeling much better. That will teach me to be a pig.
(Actually, I am quite capable of being a pig without being taught.)
Apparently the allergy is reasonably common, although this is the first time I have had it. It is caused by a chemical called urushiol, which is found in the peel and in the fruit just underneath the peel. Who knew?
In more important news, my brother is doing better and is off the oxygen. He is being kept in for the remainder of the weekend.
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