By lizzie_birkett


I haven't Blipped anything today. It's horrible outside, wet, windy and cold. 
I've spent some time drawing my Febcreate prompt - Houlet. I used my Faber Castell Polychromo pencils. I love using them as you build up the colour in stages. I don't think they'll last long though as they are very soft and wear down quick. The white is already 1/4 gone so I'll see if I can by a couple seperately.
Had facetime with Amelia and Lucy - seperately so we can talk properly to each one. However, I don't think little Lucy gets the concept of 'Face' time as we saw more of the bedroom door and wall than of her! She was off doing things but we could still here her chattering away. I played ukulele and sang 'You Are My Sunshine' with Amelia. 
I knitted some more of my jumper last night - one side of the neck is done so I'll do the other side tonight then I can cast on for the back. It's taking me ages now the drawing bug has got me!
Today somebody put on our local Facebook page that had got the wrong flour in thheir food delivery and did anybody want it for free. Frank said yes please! Straightaway a young lad on his bike left it at the door. I don't think this would have happened before the pandemic. It's Allinson's bread flour :-)
Thank you for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts.
Have a cosy and peaceful evening :-) X

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