Milk Tray Man
MrT’s first week is going well and he decided to cycle until today as it was excessively blowy, so he called on the rota. But he’s getting worried. As he says, with the demise of Captain Sir Major Tom, he’s worried that he might become the new figurehead for the enduring bond between NHS and the public. According to him this morning there were "ambulances blasting their sirens and nurses in tight uniforms waiting to greet me as I was wheeled in. But I don't want it to escalate. Please don't let the media know.”
Our very own Benny Hill.
We started the painting prep. Sugar soap. Jees, who knew what a mess candles could make. And a first - a surfer in Wardie Bay, snapped from the window. This puts us well ahead of Portobello in the desirability stakes, as we all know that famously, there ain’t no surf in Portobello.
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