Day 301 - Adriene
Another day where I was in bed too long .... got up only at 9 am and had committed to a live interview with Lynsey on Facebook at 11 am.
Yoga - shower - coffee - hair drying and on the zoom.
I did not get much else done before!
Th interview was fun and in the end we were 2 hrs on Zoom!!!!!
So it was 1 pm before I started with my course work ... I was done after 3 pm only and then realised that Adriene's live Yoga Class was today at 5 pm .... so not much time at all.
Neil and I still went out to get some eggs and I had the chance to have a little snack before I was getting ready for Yoga.
Adriene is my yoga guru since I started with her on her You Tube channel in May 2020!
Ever since I am hooked and do Yoga every morning!
Having a live broad casted Yoga class with another 100 people around the globe was awesome!!
It was 6:30 pm before it was done and I caught up with things until now ....
it is 9 pm and time for food!
Here is the lovely Adriene in action
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