Hello! I know I have been absent for a bit and I can't guarantee when I will appear again but just wanted everyone to know that all is fine :)
Our province has been in lockdown since Boxing Day but I have been back to work as the Minister of Education said that all students with high needs could return to school. It has been a very different month at work with only 7 students in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. The hallways echo... Having said that, we have to be in separate rooms and zooming all classes. It has been very tiring with loads of screen time. Ugh... This Monday, students will return for half a day so it will be interesting to see how well we all adapt once again. The fun never ends, eh? ;) At least we are staying healthy and that is huge! I have one friend who lost his sister and father to Covid (within 2 weeks of each other). I simply have to count my blessings...
Hope you are all well. Do take care and stay safe!!
D xx
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