if you see an animal without a mask

If you see an animal without a mask, stay away!!

We may get some more snow in the morning. 

On Christmas our heat went out. It was ok, we had electric heaters, and the heat came back on at 1:15 am. (I know, because I was exercising then, as one does at 1:15 am, and heard it.) Since then it has gone out and come back on numerous times. Karen's guess is the thermostat is to blame so today I installed a new thermostat. It took three times to connect it to the internet, eight times to connect it to the app, figuring out what was wrong with the Y wire, and getting an anchor placed so the thermostat wouldn't flop around and yank out the wires. It was very difficult and I'm very proud and I didn't curse nearly as much as one might expect.

I hope you enjoyed your Saturday.

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