Another masterpiece

It's been a little struggle on my part today. Not even four hours sleep as I lay weird and hurt my neck. And the Jedi had me up. Being away in the hospital has really had a effect on him . I have to lie beside him now to get him to sleep at night and then when he wakes through the night he gets all distressed and comes in with me until he is settled. He didn't do that before. It was a quick feed and off he went.

Xander has put his new art supplies to use and has created another beautiful masterpiece ( I am biased ) . He put his own stamp on it and didn't want to add cloud's or bird's like the tutorial. He said it's better without. I'm so happy he is finding something that he enjoys which isn't technology based . And once our print shop opens up I will be getting some prints made of his work and mines .

Mr R is at work for a while so I am cleaning up the carnage from the Wildlings dinner and having a quick catch up in blip.

Tonight I will make him a different chickpea curry for dinner. My neighbour gave me some of hers last week and I like it better than mines. So does Mr R. So I will batch cook some for the next few nights. Hopefully we can have a earlier dinner.

If anyone has snow that they would like to send our way, please do. X

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