Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Annual photo for the 6 nations ..


Hard to believe that little scrap who was smaller than Grampsies rugby ball now plays under 11s rugby ( well not at the moment) and is incredibly good at it .. he’s RAPID . He is the absolute light of my life this little fella. He’s incredibly kind and thoughtful, yes he’s cheeky but so is his mother and his aunts , Jake has had good teachers in that respect.
Obviously we are disappointed that England didn’t seem to turn up when playing Scotland but also I was quite moved that Scotland won at Twickenham, they were so happy and excited it was hard not to enjoy it with them !! I take a very very dim view of ‘sore losers ‘ .. I think it shows small mindedness and lack of intelligence.. so well done Bonny Scotland !!
Then today I had my money on Ireland .. sigh .... Well done Wales though ! As you may have guessed we are mildly ( very very ) obsessed with rugby in this house .
When I met Jim he was a semi professional player and it was a case of like it or lump it ... I liked his thighs so I cracked on and learnt the rules . The lengths I went to for a bit of totty eh’ ;-))

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