Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Wrong day, blip error

Lazy start, then after breakfast donned lots of layers and took the dogs for a long walk. Out for just under 1.5 hours, did 3.2 mikes, but our dogs sniff a lot ...... :)

After lunch, WhatsApp call from our daughter - Austin quite chatty, 1st tooth very nearly through (dripping, tongue playing with gums) and taking a few steps holding one hand to mummy or daddy. He’s growing up quick. Mind you he doesn’t know any different, being born just before the first lockdown, he’s known nothing different. He loves waving, saying “aa-oo” , clapping and raising his hand to “all gone”. Caleb was spending time at other nanny’s this afternoon, so this left Austin enjoying the toys .... all to himself :)

Film tonight - Twist. Staring Michael Cain, Rita Ora, David Walliams and Rafferty Law (Jude Laws son). Based along the lines of Charles Dickens “Oliver” , up to date story but bit thin storyline. Lots of rooftop jumping and graffiti work.


Didn’t notice until uploading today’s blip that I’d saved yesterday’s date to today (I’m sure you all understand that). Rather than delete yesterdays ..... I think you get the picture (my own fault for always leaving my blip until around or just after midnight, blip then decides the date ......)

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