
By seddon


Had a good shift at work, right up to about 6am, when I was trying to set up for a new admission and could not get the ventilator to pass its pre use checks. Sorted it eventually (4 vents, 5 nurses, 4 circuits and a technologist later!) and sent this picture to Beth who was on a 22-6 so had gone home, to show her we solved the problem!
A day in bed for me ready for shift 2 tonight.
Thomas has not been quite himself recently. I think the whole lockdown period has started to get to him, it's not as easy now the weather isn't as good, and he's missing all of his friends and family. Me and Ben have organised afew surprises to cheer him up, the first being today..
Ben took Thomas to play football on a field with Sam and Joe. He was so happy to see them, even if from a distance. Chloe went to Tracey and Dave's and Thomas and Ben stayed there for lunch.

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