Sunday Arvo Supermarket Shopping
Tried to do a few more ICM shots on my phone again last night but I'm realising now why most people use them as part of a pastiche / multiple-exposure - because they look pretty naff on their own....
As it turned out, I snapped this curiosity in the afternoon when I went to do the weekly supermarket shop on my own.
Somebody had taken a number of these off some shelf somewhere and judiciously (or perhaps randomly) placed them on the floor here and there.
Certainly brightened up the usual tedium... not much though.... perhaps I should've "pressed there" but I've always been reluctant to tidy up after others ever since I was falsely accused of "throwing water bombs" in high school when in fact I was, in reality, picking up a strawberry milk carton and putting it in the bin not realising it had recently been used as a water bomb.
Mr. Campbell (aka "Black George"), you're probably dead by now but if you're not, and you're reading this, you've graduated from my 4th to an attempt by me at public humiliation on Blip. Shame on you for canning me unjustly in 1973 (and no, I do not hold a grudge).
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