Snow Cake

Everything was white when we got up, and the stuff just piled up on the table outside.  Later in the afternoon,  we wondered whether it should be a cake or a pizza, and we chose a cake.  Pizzas have flatter dough and this looked more like whipped cream marshmallow cake.  AW produced a candle and I dutifully sang 'Happy Birthday' to everyone and no one, a shot was taken, and then I blew it out.  All this time, AW was inside the house, door shut and all, because it was blowing.  In fact, it hasn't stopped blowing and howling since last night.  Thank goodness for heaters both fixed and portable.

A day inside.  Seriously?  Hours of online bridge for AW and Marie -- they are having a lot of fun -- and online research for me.  And the inevitable household chores in between all of that.

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