Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Neighbourhood Top Cat

This beautiful cat visits mum and dad for 5 minutes nearly every day to inspect their conservatory for health and safety and is paid handsomely in dreamie treats. Once it's floofed around the conservatory for a bit it heads off to inspect somewhere else. It has more access to Mum and Dad than me during lockdown, i get to watch the cat saunter in and out while i chinwag from their garden. Pfft. It knows it's gorgeous.

Both mum and Dad have had their first jabs now, all very straightforward at the Teca Mecca Jab house for mums and all good for Dad at a local GPs a few weeks ago, and no ill effects afterwards. They are both scunnered though, and particularly at not being able to see family close up and in greater number, nearly a year now.

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