campervan man

By campervan

The snow it did come

Lots of fine snow overnight. The hen tent survived without any structural problems and, despite their conditions, we are still getting four or sometimes five eggs every day. Indeed we are suffering from the occasional egg mountain.
The bird bath was a leaving present for wife1 from her last full time job. I was skeptical about the painted flowers, thinking they would not last long. Well its almost 10 years later and they seem to be doing quite well; so how much do I know. 
The temperatures remained above freezing so our walk today was on wet  rather than frozen ground. We took Dudley and Harley over the fields. Along the hedge line were occasional snow drifts that both dogs disappeared into with glee, although Dudley got snow balls all over his legs which he did not like.
Back home to warm drink and freshly cooked (well de-frosted) Danish Pecan slices. Now settling down for the evening in front of the log burner. Probably a snooze in the chair is on the cards.

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