TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

Clean toys...

For a clean dog.  Dog grooming is classed as essential animal welfare and therefore Kassie gets her hair done unlike me! While she was out I washed her rather disgusting toys.

My plans went to pot over the weekend - sorting out for the parents - today my mum had a covid test so that she can have a biopsy on Thursday for the skin cancer.
Thursday is also my dad's day for blood tests to check he's ok for treatment - the irony despite all the hospital visits he has had in the last year he hasn't been asked to take a covid test (I'm confused).

Anyway that's not what's delayed me doing stuff like catching up on here.  On Thursday I was told about a job opportunity - sideways move but in some ways the job I'd have designed for me if I had been allowed to.

So the weekend was spent tossing a proverbial coin should I/shouldn't I and then putting together a short CV.  Over the last few years I have helped many people do theirs but it's harder when it's for yourself.

Well draft 1 is done I've asked a friend for input before I finalise it.

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