
Well, the label has a bird on it so no surprise there. You know how I love birds, especially crows. 
 A rook is described as a common Old World gregarious bird about the size and color of the American crow but having a bare patch of skin at the base of the bill.  I just happened to like the way he was standing. 

I survived my test today with the help of a very nice technician named Nick who explained what a "right bundle branch block" is, which is why my cardiologist thought I should spend some time on the treadmill.  And here I thought he was trying to kill me off.  It wasn't so bad but I'm glad it's over.   It's possible there's a pacemaker in my future but I'm not going to worry too much about that.  My 81-year-old best friend from high school has one and she's doing just fine. 

Thanks to everyone who wished me well with the test.  I'm sure the good vibes helped.  

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