Mr. Robin

Drizzly and cold today. A couple of things notable in this shot. First, the layer of seeds on the ground is obnoxious. Much of it is the sunflower seed shells, but there is also quite a bit of seeds for the birds to clean up. I blame the bluejays and the blackbirds for being the messiest eaters. Second, Miya's ball in the background. She has 2 of them now and often leaves one outside.
Project for the week (and beyond) is transferring home videos from various old formats to my computer. VHS, VHS-C, and miniDV tapes are all set. Any tips are appreciated.

Edit: I didn't realize this would be entry #365. My first entry was Feb. 10, but last year was a leap year. I was expecting tomorrow to be the big Blip day. What a great place to hang out every day! Thanks Blip community for inspiring me, making me laugh and cry, and for sharing a bit of yourselves.

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