Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

More snow

It snowed overnight and this morning when I woke up the garden was covered with snow, although it had not remained on the trees. Thankfully it was not as cold as yesterday and even though it snowed constantly all morning I had a pleasant walk with Xena in the woods. The snow was not deep on the ground so I was surprised to see how well covered the woods were where the canopy of the trees provides protection - I liked this frozen puddle in this image. See how the snow has blown onto that tree trunk in the extras.

I always listen to my book when I am out walking - however I find my Airpods so annoying as they don't fit my ears very well, and they usually fall out once or twice on a walk - I don't know how people run with them. This morning one fell out again and of course it landed in the snow and being white I could not find it. I spent some time looking, I then took off my coat and gloves thinking it had caught in the hood of my coat, but eventually gave up looking for it. When I got home I found it stuck in my scarf, so that was lucky!

I managed to get through to British Airways (after holding on for ages) regarding the cancellation of my flights to and from Glasgow for our Harris and Lewis trip. I had previously cancelled the Loganair part of the journey but was waiting for BA to cancel the other part of the journey, which they did yesterday. I had booked with Avios points (frequent flyer) and managed to get all of them refunded which was a relief. Now we have received an email from British Airways saying they have cancelled our flight to South Africa in August... although they are offering an alternative but it means changing all our bookings - it is so frustrating. I think it will be years before we can plan any trips with confidence that they will happen as planned.

I had a zoom chat with my camera club mentor this afternoon and now I must go make supper as early this evening I have our parents' (from the boys' school) camera group  zoom meeting. It has been a zoomy day again!

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